Stepping up your ability to manage career stress
Motivating and leading others effectively depends on your ability to motivate and lead yourself.
Career-related stress is made up of a variety of different factors - 24/7 connectivity, coworker conflicts, lack of work/life balance, lack of job security, and increased workload with decreased benefits, for starters. All of those things affect your mind and body, leaving you feeling discontent and struggling. Especially here in New York City, where careers are often closely related to personal identity.
When you feel overwhelmed by demands that keep piling up, your nervous system becomes overloaded and activates the fight-flight-freeze response. Until the nervous system is regulated again, your ability to navigate any process fully and comfortably is greatly diminished. Stress, anxiety, limited attention, worry, fear, anger, and irritation are signals that your nervous system has breached its window of resiliency. Your ability to attend and perform clearly is constricted. At this point, you automatically retreat into a place of defensiveness that confines your ability to enjoy positive and authentic relationships and productivity.
Career Stress Management is all about understanding how mind and body initiate and experience those stress factors and learning to regulate and reframe them. Together, we can buildself-regulation skillsto help achieve peace of mind and body.
To begin finding the tools that can help you manage and optimize your performance in work and beyond, please call 212-744-1480 for a consultation.
Sunna Jung, PhD
In the Flatiron between Park Avenue and Broadway
30 East 21st Street
Suite 2A
New York, NY 10010